A Level Business Studies

The Specifications are now (2017) Linear which means the A Level exams are after 2 years.

Revising for Business 

AQA  OCR  Edexcel  Eduqas


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Start Early making Notes…never leave it to the last minute

This site is to help you find:-

A plan

A system

A way to answer any question that you are likely to find

A method of ensuring your notes are easy to find and comprehensive.


You aren’t going to find the answers here (soz)

You are going to find HOW to answer any factual question…

Without writing tons of full sentence essays….

 AND find a way to cover all topics thoroughly.

Key is the location of a number of website links that you can be sure are relevant and then stick to them rather than searching endlessly online.

A variety of good resources will help avoid boredom.

You will however have to make lots of essay PLANS to learn topics and revise

You will STILL need

Your examination specification for the relevant exam, by topic 

The scheme of work may have relevant online links. Check the examination board website for the scheme. This is how teachers plan the course delivery.

(Find this info on the examination board website ..links page)

 1. Your textbook… (if you dont have one, where to buy one) you may need a student workbook too.

2. Any recommended revision and subject website

(from your education establishment website maybe? or from here

3. This web-blog ‘resource page’ links 

4. Your notes

5. Paper and ruler or computer with a word or excel programme

(there is a cheap version of microsoft word, spreadsheet and powerpoint at ashampoo…. you cant read it with microsoft word but it works the same)

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